Obama's Ohio visit points to jobs divide between public, private sector - CSMonitor.com

If you want to know the difference between the ruling class and the rest of us:

Obama's Ohio visit points to jobs divide between public, private sector - CSMonitor.com

"Republicans have more private sector employment, with 63 percent of households citing at least one members privately employed, compared with 46 percent for Democrats."

From an article on the Reason website:

Sixty-three percent of "the rich," those in the top 15 income segment (annual income greater than $100,000) are government employees. Among those in the top 1 percent of income($500,000 annually), 85 percent are private-sector. Bureau of Labor Statistics report reveals as of 2010 government workers earn an average of 44 percent more than similar private-sector workers and over 66 percent greater benefits.
California taxpayers are already paying pensions of over $100,000 a year to more than 12,000 former government workers…

Something is wrong with a system that pays the "ruling class" so much more than feeding the system earn.


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